Tuesday, July 19, 2005

the dormant feminist

Today I had a relaxing day waiting for tradesmen to come and finish off a few things. I slept in then over breakfast watched part of the Bert Newton show. In fact all I watched was an ad for MODERN's blinds. Now ...one of the tradesmen I was waiting for was a guy from a security shutter/blind company to do a measure and quote for shutters for our windows facing the street.

I was meaning to get a few quotes so I gave MODERNs a call. A very friendly operator took my call. And the usual spiel...what is your name...and then: are you married?
I sort of wondered what business is that of hers but heard myself say Yes. Then and what is hubbie's name? I was beginning to be irritated but supplied the requested information. Then my address and phone number. And why did we want to put in security shutters.....I mumbled something and then she told me that they would send someone who would call one hour prior to coming out.

Well...that seemed rather odd so I asked could she tell me if that would be in the near future or what. Upon which she assured me that she would make an appointment for their representative to call. Could I let her know what time Hubby would be home. I sort of became more irritable and told her that I wanted to spare Hubby, who was very busy, the inconvenience of having someone call around at night. Upon which she promptly offered to send someone on the weekend. I politely told her that we didn't want to use our weekends talking to her representative and that in any case I would make the selection and the decision re the blinds so could she please send someone around during the day. Not company policy - we always send someone when hubby is home.

Upon which my politeness came to an end and I blurted out Why? Do you think women are morons? And she assured me that she didn't agree with the company policy but that she could not do anything about it. So I told her in that case I would go elsewhere for my blinds.

I was livid. What a patronising way to treat a customer! And they call themselves MODERN....

Rest of the day went more smoothly. Apart from the guy from the blind company who was sick and couldn't come. We had our bathroom finally completed. And we have all our locks fixed and keyed alike. And I managed to keep my doctors appointment where my doctor took me through Dad's preliminary Autopsy report. The main shock in that was to find out that Dad had a very large tumour in his colon and also diverticulitis. The doctor strongly recommends that all his children have regular screens for bowel cancer. Will put more details re autopsy result in a future blog.

Dennis came back rather tired from his first day at his new job. And we finished the evening having a delicious meal at Mum's place. Peter and Natalie were also there. And Gerd.

Time to get to bed.


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