Friday, August 19, 2005

waking up

This morning I had hardly opened my eyes when the doorbell went. I thought the shutter company were coming at 9am and so had allowed myself 1 hour to get up, clean up the bedroom and make myself decent. No such luck. I was wiping the sleep out of my eyes when “John” was standing at the door full of beans and raring to go! First I had to stumble out of the house and move the car. Then I bought myself a few minutes because he had to unpack. Raced into the bedroom and took only 2 minutes to make it look decent. Then attacked the lounge. Amazing how much time you can gain when you end up in a panick!

So…by 8.10 all was accomplished that I would normally have taken the entire hour to do. And I was ready for breakfast and my morning dose of blogging. That is reading up on everyone’s news!

Was very quick this morning. Only the regulars had updates. That is Peter and Ben!

Haven’t heard a word from Natalie for ages. Lisa’s is back on track. Amy is pretty consistent. Haylee is stuck because I still haven’t delivered her computer. Will fix that today or tomorrow.

The main reason for this entry is that I am testing sending updates to my blog via email. So if you are reading it….it worked!


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