selling on ebay

Enjoyed a day at the Preseton Market with Mum. Was a wonderful winters day in Melbourne that felt more like Spring. Although Dennis told me that it was very cold when he got up and the car was covered in ice! Of course by 10am (when I woke up) the ice had melted and there was one of those wonderful clear blue skies and a glow to the day created by the sun. Tonight was a full moon that seemed close enough to touch.
My resolve to start going to bed earlier came to nothing. I did try at 9.30 but all I achieved was to keep Dennis awake talking. So decided for both of our sanity it was best I get up again. And then I had the idea to learn how to sell on ebay.
Started with a diet book until I saw how little these were fetching. Found a novel on my bookshelf that I had read and have just spent a few hours setting myself up as a seller, submitting details of the novel including picture. Had to estimate the postage (now that I have compared it with other books being sold I have obviously underestimated). Oh well...for an experiment this is ok. At least I will learn how much the fees are. First there is ebay. Then there is paypal. And of course the real postage. If someone overseas buys the book...will be sending it by SHIP that's for sure.
So if you want a bargain...the book is "Days Without Number" by Robert Goddard. If you want more will have to find it on ebay :-) ok...I'll include a photo! Lots of reviews on the internet.
Unfortunately all this intense concentration hasn't helped me get any more tired than I was at 9.30pm. And to boot...can't sleep in tomorrow because I have someone coming to install vertical blinds in our kitchen. Followed by lunch with colleagues from work. Life's tough! This is the 2nd free lunch since leaving work!
When Mum and I were at the Preston Market I bumbed into an old colleague from work who I had not seen for a while. She retired a few years ago but has been working parttime since. Only had 6 months off. Judy and I worked together for quite a while and she had worked for Shell most of her working life. She is now enjoying her current job. Works 3 days a week and is retired the rest of the week. Was good to see Judy. Had been intending to call her.
Better have a herbal tea to destress and read to get sleepy!
thanks Lisa for the advise. Will get in touch with Kathryn.
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