Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fathers day

Couldn’t help thinking about Dad today even though he never wanted anyone to celebrate Fathers day and Birthdays. He felt they were too commercialised.

And because we had planned to be at Mum’s continuing with the working bee I had also not planned anything at our place for Dennis. He asked me during the week could I buy a roast for Sunday. And I told him, I can buy it but we won’t be having it as I’ll be at the working bee J. Of course when we first planned the working bee we didn’t think about Father’s day being today!

So…I did buy the roast. A leg of lamb and a chicken. And this morning  Michael rang and said he and Natalie were  “dropping in” for Father’s day. So I decided, spurr of the moment, to cook the roasts for lunch (seeing as I had wagged church). Mum was here too – fast asleep at the time. And Ben was staying over with Gerd. So invited them. Got cracking and put on the lamb and chicken, some pumpkin and potatoes and before you knew…the house was smelling of garlic and roasts. So it was a nice spurr of the moment type of surprise for Dennis when he came back from church. Everyone had seconds but in the end not a potatoe or pumpkin was left over!  Was a great Sunday afternoon chatting after lunch. The sun shining through the window. The room nice and warm and cosy (mind you….I ran around like a whirlwind to make room on the table before everyone arrived….I am still in the process of unpacking umpteen boxes…and added to that are all the things I am discovering at Mum’s place as she is sorting through her things….so our house looks like a disaster zone at the moment).

Looking back over the week…

Was a busy week with doctor’s visits. I saw my doctor on Monday and was happy to hear him say that I looked better than he had ever seen me! Mum had several appointments at the hospital and I went with her to the cardiologist who gave her a very good report. Her heart is strong. Just like me she has to keep that blood pressure down and the colesterol in check. So will have to work in it together.

Unfortunately I must have come down with some bug by the middle of the week. Still not feeling great but getting better.

As to the rest of my efforts this week…apart from getting geared up for the working bee they went into ebay. Set up a store in ebay. Second hand bookshop. That way I can list all the things that don’t sell during the auction for a very cheap rate until they sell!

Still enjoy translating Dad’s emails. Which is probably why I am not writing so much into my own blog lately!



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