Thursday, September 01, 2005

I was tagged!

Pete Tagged me for this meme so below are my answers. Not sure what happened to 22 and 23!

1. Name as it appears on birth certificate: will remain a secret!
2. Nicknames: Never had one! Not one that was said to my face in any case
3. Place of Birth: Neuss, Germany. Was celebrated by the city as being the nn000 citizen. So..famous from day 1
J of course, can’t reveal the number that would be revealing my identity J
4. Favorite food: Curry Laksa must be …I seem to order it at every foodcourt or asian restaurant!

5. Ever been to Africa: Nope.
6. Love someone so much it hurts: Yes. My husband and my family! But Pete is right…love always entails some form of hurt.

7. Been in a car accident: Yes. Several. Once as a child was in a car that flipped on it’s roof and back again. Was a very weird experience. Had several accidents. Wrote off a car once by wrapping it around a lamp post. Was lucky to escape with my life. I was a rather inexperienced driver at that time. Wasn’t my fault…someone cut in front of me without indicating from the right lane and I braked hard to avoid hitting the car which worked but made my car spin sideways and hug that lamp post.
8. Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits. And like Pete I love Ceasar Salad but only WITH anchovies.

9. Favorite day of the week: Saturday. Feels like the weekend is just starting and time seems unimportant!
10. Favorite restaurant: Not one single favourite. Love Japanese, Thai, Indian and Malaysian food. So seem to alternate between those. And German food, but only when Mum cooks it or when I am in Germany.
11. Favorite sport to watch: Not a sport watcher. If I have to get involved with sport would rather be as a participant. But been a bit lazy lately.

12. Favorite drink for summer: Lemon, lime and bitters.
13 Favorite ice cream: Anything chocolate. Am addicted.
14. Disney or Warner Bros: Disney. Am a kid at heart.
15. Favorite fast food restaurant: Noodle bars that serve Curry Laksa.
16. What Color is your bedroom carpet: Hate carpet. Just had it all ripped out. We have birch colourd laminate floor throughout the house!

17. How many times did you fail your driver's test: Once. Was ultra nervous and did everything wrong. Especially the reverse parking. Got it the next time!

18. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Hubby. We write each other several times a day when he is at work. That’s inbetween phonecalls.

19. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: Would hate to max out my credit card on anything other than travel. But favourite store would have to be our local department store. There you can get everything.
20. What do you do most often when you are bored: So long ago can’t remember. Probably would watch a movie…wouldn’t it be nice!

21. What time is Bedtime: More often than not around midnight.

22. ???

23. ???

24. Favorite TV shows: Neck to neck between a local medical soapie and Inspector Morse.
25. Last person/s you went to dinner with: Our eldest son and our granddaughters, my mum and my husbands niece when she visited us a couple of weeks ago.

26. Ford or Chevy: FORD. My alltime favourite, only car I ever got attached to, was a FORD TAURUS. Only Taurus that was ever imported into Australia. Still like the look of that car!

27. What are you listening to right now: My dishwasher.
28. What is your favorite color: Not sure…probably green.
29. Lake, ocean or river: Ocean.

30. How many tattoos do you have? None and can’t stand them. Could be my age!
31. Have you ever run out of gas: no but came very close to it very often! I keep forgetting to look and am always buying petrol just at the last minute!

So..I will tag Em and Helga and Ben! Just copy the questions above and give us your answers. In your blogs!

Thanks Pete! Nice diversion from housework!


Blogger Inge said...

I remember having an argument with one of my bosses at work about that accident. He gave me a lift into the office and told me how high a percentage of inexperienced drivers had accident. I was most upset and was very much convinced the accident was NOT my fault. However, now I know that an experienced driver would probably have reacted differently to me and when I see a green trafficl light at a T intersection where there is a line of cars waiting to turn right...I now know to slow down and expect someone to get sick of waiting and cut across into my lane. Whereas then I saw the green light and put my foot on the gas to make sure I got through before it changed. So are right Holly. It was very much my fault.

4:30 pm  

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