Monday, September 19, 2005

God is LOVE

In my heart I have always held on to the image of God as a loving Father who has good things in store for us. Even when it seems the world is cruel I still believe firmly that God did not want this for his children. Often when we suffer we can squarely blame ourselves. Othertimes we can still blame man’s disobendience. For instance God has made man steward over his environment. In disobedience and mainly due to greed we have not been worthy of that title and we have polluted the environment causing so much disease and suffering, not only for us but for all living things. Greed is also the reason why the western diet has wrecked our health and is killing so many people. Same with drugs, smoking and alcohol. With so much money spent on advertising and making these so lucrative and attractive to us, we can hardly avoid becoming victims.

But there are often times when suffering happens to the innocent and can’t be attributed to any direct cause. Children born of terrible diseases for instance. And then you read stories about people who perform incredible miracles of love. Today I was waiting for Mum while she was with her eye specialist and was reading one of the usual waiting room magazines. I read an article about a couple who have “adopted” 25 boys. Now that in itself is astounding. I had difficulties raising 2 let alone 25. But these were not just ordinary boys. They were all suffering from some serious disability and were with this couple because nobody else wanted to foster or adopt them. But that is not all. This couple had their own pain. The husband, through a diving accident, had become a paraplegic himself and they “saw”  that this made him a great role model for the young boys in their care. What an attitude! When you read about things like that you just have to be thankful that there is still LOVE in the world.

I like to see this life as a school preparing us for better things. There are always opportunities for GROWTH. That is my view of suffering. Having people amongst us that depend on others, gives these others the opportunity to become GREAT people. The opportunity to grow in SELFLESSNESS. Caring for others, makes me a better person and in turn blesses those I care for. So there are double blessings to be had. And for those who are in pain, suffering is like a refiner’s fire. So many destitute people experience so much more joy at the simple things and the rich with all their money experience only a fraction of the joy.

The doctor didn’t have any good news for Mum. Nothing can be done to improve her eyesight. But Mum has rallied around and not let it get her down. In fact her comment was that there are much worse things than failing eyesight. I know she is very disappointed because deep down she had hoped that removing a cataract would fix the problem.

I had a bad night last night and could have slept all day. However I woke up with a song going round and round in my head all day. It was one that was sung at church yesterday. Of course it is much more moving put to music but I also love the words so here it is:

Earth, with her ten thousand flow'rs, Air, with all its beams and show'rs,
Heaven's infinite expanse, sea's resplendent countenance--
All around and all above bear this record: God is love.

Sounds among the vales and hills, In the woods and by the rills,
Of the breeze and of the bird, by the gentle murmur stirred--
Sacred songs, beneath, above,  have one chorus: God is love.

All the hopes that sweetly start from the fountain of the heart,
All the bliss that ever comes to our earthly human homes,
All the voices from above sweetly whisper: God is love.

P.S. if you want to read more about the family who adopted 25 boys, there are stories about it on the internet and here is one URL:




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